sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013

Buhos de papel

owl craft

Para decorar gratis un regalo elegante

Paper Rose

Cómo hacer un monedero de tela

Small Personal Purse « Butterfly Kisses

Buhos en punto


Muñecos en crochet a punto enano

Cutest little turtles -- great nursery décor if you swap out stitched eyes.

Camino de mesa de crochet aprovechando restos de muestras

I love the way that looks, am gonna try it by making and then randomly sewing doilies. I love doing thread work. --Pia (LivingSweetLiving...I could do this with all those great old doilies I have & have found at garage sales)

Buhos de crochet

♡ super cute owls!  This is a great idea for my scrap yarn... - Gerepind door www.gezinspiratie.nl #haken #haakspiratie #knutselen #creatief #kind #kinderen #kids #leuk

Trenzando una pulsera